So this is me, with the Sea of Red behind me!!! Looks SWEET doesn't it!

This is the Thrid Row crew... Paul, Rob and I

Just my view.. its pretty sweet! (oh my friend Kelsey is the Water girl there in the middle)

Half time- there is no where to sit so Rob just plopped down on me, and I realize his friend Kenny is wearing a BLUE shirt... what the world! you can't do that in the U stadium!
So yesterday was Utah's first home football game and it was sooooo much fun! For the first time in three years I actually have good seats! (3rd Row in the MUSS) I am sitting with my friend Rob from school- he has been pretty much my best school friend since my freshman year anatomy class and Institute class, we became study partners and now he just can't get rid of me. So anyways it was a lot of fun, jumping and screaming.. I barely have a voice today! We have a group of dumb drunk guys right above us though that start a mosh pit when we get a touch down.. one kid got a bloody nose all over, so the only time it gets a little scary is when we score! haha oh well I can deal with that! The Utes won 42-21 against UNLV hopefully there will be many more fun games ahead!
Sami I am so glad that you have your head on straight, GO UTES!!! That game was awesome, I am so excited I hope we have a great season. We should meet up at a game one time to celebrate together call me next game or something. Love Ya!
sami! i didn't realize that regan was in cleveland. you have to ask him if he knows an elder haberle, or an elder wilson (who is black.) they are both in that mission!
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