I went to California in November for Kimball and Sara’s wedding they were married in the San Diego Temple and it was gorgeous! After we took a day and went to Disneyland which was so much fun! I love how close I feel with that family and I am so excited for future times I will have with them!
The Holidays were great we had Thanksgiving at my Aunt Chelsea’s I am really enjoying hanging out with my cousins (who are all at least 15 years younger than I) Randy, Zoe, Emma, and Sophie. The turkey didn’t end up being done which was a little comical but Mama Cook made one for Sunday dinner a few days later so we could fill our turkey fix!
The Christmas season was fun, after finishing up finals I had to hurry and finish my shopping so I could just relax and enjoy the season, Regan finally hit his year mark on Dec. 19th I sent packages through out the month as the four “weeks” of Christmas. I ended up getting to see many of my best friends and do fun things, go out to lunch, get massages, see the lights, and have sleepovers. I am so thankful for all of my friends I just miss many of them… most of the time!
I was supposed to work Christmas eve night but out of some miracle someone at work wanted to work it and traded me, so I was lucky enough to get to spend the night with the family. Amy who is on her mission in Boston got to call home on Christmas Eve instead of Christmas so I was extremely lucky because I was over there and able to talk to her! It was a nice night we exchanged presents and I got some Holiday scrub tops. I had my grandpa and I made him a memory book of our cruise we took in May I think he really liked it.
On Christmas there was possibly the worst snow storm, in West Jordan there was a grand total of 21 inches in less than 48 hours, lets just say my car didn’t move for a week! The family woke up and had a nice breakfast pizza mama cook made and then we were able to open our gifts. This year all I really wanted was a vacation ;) Last semester was so overwhelming that I knew I would want a break so as my gift I got a trip to Disney World with my mom over spring break! I am so incredibly excited it will be fantastic. After all of the presents were open my dad had to drive me over to Regan’s house for the “phone call” it was so amazing to talk to him and kind of unreal at first, NO I did not cry I was just extremely excited to actually be talking to him! We had him on speaker for a little while and then I asked if I could just chat with him for a sec.. it was so nice, there are so many things you want to say to the person but at the same time it is just fun to know that they are on the other end of the phone line! I got him a camera for his gift and he was having fun all morning playing with it, I am hoping now I can get more pics from him hopefully ;) I love him so much! I’m so glad he is on a mission and serving our Heavenly Father it is such perfect timing for everything that is happening in my life. With nursing school I would probably barely be able to see him but this way we are both getting done something we need to and are both extremely blessed for it! He will get home when I have just one semester left until I graduate and that semester isn’t as much book work more just in Hospital kind of stuff.
New Years ended up being so much fun, I spent the first half of the evening with my family we had a fondue night at the Bennetts and then followed it up with some games…. We were all in such funny moods we started using the light saber on my dad’s iphone followed by strobe light dancing… haha who said mormons can’t find there own kind of fun ;) After I met up with the Twins and we went up to the U of U institute for the New Years party up there, it was so much fun and we saw a lot of friends. They had us all go outside a half hour before midnight and it was like time square they had the ball that dropped and a balloon drop all outside being held up by cranes it was so fun, we found our way under the balloon drop had our horns and hot chocolate and counted down for the new year! I had to go to work shortly after but it was a fun night with family and friends.
The Sugar Bowl was by far the best game of my life I am kicking myself over and over again for not finding a cheaper way to New Orleans, when my friends and I were researching it was like $1800 I just didn’t have that kind of money any who we had a ridiculously fun party at my house with full on screaming and I was keeping my part of the MUSS alive in our basement! I love Utah Football and I cannot wait for next year it will be so so so much fun! We should be #1 I mean come on we are undefeated 13-0!!!!
With the New Year it is a good time to reflect on things in my life, goals and the way my life is headed in general. I can just say that I am extremely blessed! I have the most amazing family and friends and I am so thankful for my membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Together they bring the greatest happiness in my life! It is funny how things just seem to fall into place, you know how at times someone may say “If you are doing what you are supposed to in the end it will all end up the way it is supposed to” well with that in mind I have had some amazing experiences just to reconfirm to me that the choices I am making so far in life are the ones that are supposed to be happening. I am just so thankful for my life in general ;)
Hopefully it won’t take me this long next time and I can add some more recent photos from the Holidays

Christmas Disneyland is a new favorite, it is already magical then add Christmas :)

Aladdin and I

Sara and Kimball just coming out of the Temple

San Diego Temple, so beautiful!!

BYU vs. UTAH game, just had to throw this in there ;)

At the reception... I didn't notice the Missionary Tag... I PROMISE!
Sami.. I'm so glad you finally updated your life. I thought you had died for a little bit!!
Sami, I just found your blog on facebook....what a cool way to catch up with you. My sister in law works at the Infant Care Unit at PCMC. Her name is Lynley. She loves it too!
That is awesome that you are in nursing school while you wait for your missionary! What a perfect time to get it done!
I am glad to see that you are happy!
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